Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lava Lamp

 In Science we learnt about lava lamp Ingredients



.food colouring


describe the task this activity was amazing  and hell it got created and it was brilentint so much words you can describe this intelligent task.

what happened water and oil do not mix and then you put in aspirin then it starts to fizz then it make little balls the you flash a torch at the lava lamp so it heats up.

explain why oil and water and water it lighter then you add food colouring and when added destiny the lava lamp  starting to fizz then these little circes balls were coming up and down and those aspirds were making those balls.

we were learning about lava lamps in Hell they get created and know the ingredients.

i found it easy to  create my lava lamp and how to make it with the ingredients such as oil water food colouring and aspirin.

i found it hard to write and describe the lava lamps and i found it hard to  remember all the ingredients.

Next time i should is to add more quality writing about lava lamps