Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Teaching How To Use scratch

we were learning about Teaching other people to play or do scratch
I found it easy to make a video about how to teach others about scratch.
I found it challenging to talk well I was making the video because I was shy because if I said something embracing.
Next time I will talk a little less time because maybe I said too much and could have ended the video a little less time.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

scratch commenting .

The instructions on how to play my scratch 1st step you need to type some words and you might become a good and quality blog comment and just to click the green flag on the screen and that's just the instructions.

Olympic pools

We were learning about doing a recount.
I found it easy to plan out my recount.
I found it challenging to write a recount and to remember the things on did at the Olympic pools.
Next time I will add some more information to my recount about the Olympic pools.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Writing the Awapuni School Fun Run

\We were learning about how to write a Personal Recount
I found it easy to plan my Personal Recount about the Awapuni School Fun Run
I found it challenging to how to Write my Personal Recount About The Fun Run
Next time I will add more Information to my Writing about the Awapuni School Fun Run.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Digital Reading Challenge

 We were learning about how to voice type stories.

I found it easy to voice typing my own stories that I had to read

I found it challenging to link my google doc onto my google slide.

Next time I will finish my work at the right time and write more words on my google doc.