Sunday, November 14, 2021

MY science journey 2021 awapuni school

Reflection of my science journey My boat creation it was exciting and it was really challenging at the end me and tyran wanted to create a different boat and i wanted to break the boat but at the end we got through and we didn't give up at all because we were resilient and we finished are boat on time.
are colour of are boat was red and black we painted it it looked way better in the paint then it looked without the paint.

I found It easy to paint and work together as a team i not to give up.

I found it hard to glue all of the stuff on to the boat because half of the stuff i glued came off straight away. 

I found it challenging to make my boat and trying to put all of the decareaction on the boat.

next time i will  finish my boat earlie at the right time.

Monday, September 27, 2021



Today in writing we were writing a recount about a moment in time i write about having mcdonalds.

It was easy using describing words and having rich language  in my writing and it was easy planning my story and writing my story about mcdonalds.

It was hard thinking about a moment in time to write about because there are so many moments in time to write about and it was hard to spell some words that i didn't know how to spell. 

Next time in writing i would try not to get distracted easily and try to finish my work on time and to try and add more paragraphs to my writing. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

science magnet car

 We were learning about magnite cars and electronic  so today we made a magnite car me and my buddies and it was really fun because we drove down a mountain and on the ground it was really fast it went about 20 km per hour and it was fun it was the best thing in science by far.

I found it easy to create my mcknight car and i found it easy to cooperate with my group.

I found it hard to write facts  on my book about the magnite car.

Next time i will not talk heaps with my group.

brain box

My blog post is about the brain box i did  me and my group had to create something with it we created something but we didn't have the right pieces so we had to redo it over and over again until we saw different group with the right peacuses but the thing we created was a robot with a fan on it.

I found it easy help my group mates out and i found it easy coupprait with my group evan when we had to restart a creation.

I found it hard to create a robot with a fan but my buddys helped me out.

Next time i will finish my  creation on the right time and try not to talk as much as i did.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

100 Te Reo Maori kupu quiz


today at school we did this quiz  that has 100 questions about maori words and te reo words and i scored 45 i should of tried way harder then that but next time i will.

I found it easy to get 45 questions right and to read the questions.

I found it hard to answer the rest of the words  because it was hard trying to understand those tricky ones.

next time i will take my time and to try way more harder then i didi 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

100 meter sprint


i was learning about  being at the olympics doing a 100 meter sprint.

it was easy using adverbs and rich language to describe my writing and it was easy memorising the story i made up about the 100 meter sprint.

it was hard trying to use different language and describing words and trying to make my story more realistic and it was hard trying to figure out more interesting words to keep the read a wake and trying to make my story good so the reader could get a clear memory of my story. 

Next time i will make my writing more interesting and moe describing so the person who reads my writing  has a clear mindset of my story.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

fantasy creature


 what i learned about  fantasy creatures is that it could have any power and it could be anything combined its all about your imagination. 

what i found easy was drawing my creature but i gave it all my best and it was easy  writing m plan about my creature and what kind of powers and what kind of weakness and  i found that really easy because it describe that really good and drawing my creature was fun and it turned out to look like a chunky big bird with a hat.

what i found it hard it wa shard writing my story of my creature because i had to use my imagination  and i had to think of it it wa shard writing and writing because it just gets boring but then i started to add more describing and more descriptive language so my  writing doesn't get boring.

what i enjoyed the most was writing because i liked making my own story up and i reckon i added heaps of rich and good words just maybe add more and i liked playing because it was interesting and because it was my best plan i have ever done.

Next time i do this i will add more detail to my writien a little bit and add more good rich language to my planing so it doesn't be boring so when people read it they go to sleep and add more  stuff on to my drawing.